Q: What steps do firms need to take to implement the standard?

A: Check the Implementing RIXML section of the website and the User Guide for details.

Q: Will firms need to purchase software to implement RIXML?

A: No. RIXML is built using XML. See the User Guide for additional implementation information.

Q: What are the technology requirements for firms to use RIXML?

A: The only technology requirement for firms to publish RIXML is the ability to add XML tags to their research. To consume RIXML, firms can use any XML tools supporting the latest W3C recommendations.

Q: Who pays for RIXML?

A: RIXML.org members pay membership fees to support the development of the RIXML standard. The members of RIXML.org are listed on our Membership page. They recognize RIXML’s value and want to have input into designing specifications that will serve as the basis for an industry-wide standard.

Q: How much will it cost to implement RIXML?

A: As with any new standard, costs will vary on a firm-by-firm basis, depending on a firm’s already existing technological systems. We do not expect that the cost of implementing RIXML will be substantial.

Q: Will small brokers who cannot afford to implement the new standard be excluded from implementing RIXML?

A: No. As they do today, brokers who cannot afford the implementation costs will be able to rely on third-party vendors, some of whom have already adopted the standard.


Friday session ad

Our Friday Topic Series has concluded; however, we are in the process of making replays of the presentation portion of many of these meetings available.  These videos include the list of questions we would like your input on as we plan for RIXML v3.0, so feel free to watch them and let us know your thoughts - and feel free to share them with your colleagues as well!



Tagging of Non-Standard Research