ESG Working Group - September 2023 update
Don Sharp from Citi shared the following update on the ESG Working Group at the June 2023 RIXML all-member meeting. The slides accompanying this update can be found here.

Over the summer, we have done quite a bit of research and analysis to determine how best to incorporate ESG tagging into RIXML v3.0.  While the SASB standard, which is designed to focus on the financial impact of ESG factors, is in many ways ideally suited to tagging for investment research, there are some considerations.

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Having a voice in the development of our standards is one of the key benefits of RIXML membership. As we finalize the plans for v3.0 and move into the development phase, it is imperative that we hear from you. We are also looking for experts on certain topics to provide guidance in our decision-making. This article outlines the input we need.  We hope all RIXML member firms will help us to shape the next version of our standards.
We need all RIXML member firms to add their voice to the development of the next version of the RIXML Standards. This is a major release, and we want to make sure your firm helps guide its development. Please read the list below and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or let usk now how you would like to get involved.

Buyside firms:

  • What roadblocks do you encounter when you are trying to find research - what seems harder than it should be?
  • What ESG content do your investment professionals want to find - and are they able to find it?
  • Do you have any ESG content specialists or others who can help us understand how your investment professionals will be searching for ESG-related content? (We've heard from vendors and sellside firms, but we want to hear from you!)
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Friday session ad

Our Friday Topic Series has concluded; however, we are in the process of making replays of the presentation portion of many of these meetings available.  These videos include the list of questions we would like your input on as we plan for RIXML v3.0, so feel free to watch them and let us know your thoughts - and feel free to share them with your colleagues as well!



Tagging of Non-Standard Research